112A Aqua-Peeling with Rejuve +


Nourishes skin with minerals, antioxidants & hyaluronic acid

What is the procedure?


Cleansing and toning of the skin with products tailored to the individual skin condition for thorough removal of make-up, dirt, sebum, and dust

Aqua Peeling Rejuve +

Vitamins, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and minerals are infused into the skin to support collagen and elastin regeneration, hydration, and neutralization of free radicals

Final care

Serum, eye care, moisture, sun protection. Tailored to the individual skin needs after each treatment

How does the treatment work?

This powerful skin peel involves vitamin- and mineral-rich fluid being applied onto your skin and simultaneously vacuumed away. Dead cells and impurities are released and removed, while your skin is stimulated to absorb these nutrients. The result is deeply clean, enriched skin, reducing your fine lines and wrinkles and giving you a glowing complexion

Treatment benefits:

  • Immediate anti-aging affects - your fine lines are softened and sagging skin becomes tight
  • Visible skin rejuvenation - with tissue tightened and lifted
  • Collagen and elastin production is stimulated, and mineral absorption enhanced
  • This is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment - instant, lasting results without recovery time



30 min
