A Clear Path to Better Skin Health: Facial Treatments at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße 

ruben | January 21st, 2023
Kosmetik Friedrichstrasse Berlin from outside

For those who have never sought out professional advice or help with skincare before, taking the first step on this journey can often be daunting. It may feel full of questions rather than answers, as you juggle a clear skin health vision with a lack of understanding of how to get there. 

Skin is complicated and unique, and the optimum beauty regime will look different for everyone. At Kosmetik Friedrichstraße, personalisation is our speciality. Our dedicated team of experienced cosmeticians offers the missing pieces to your skincare puzzle, with non-invasive facial treatments and high quality skincare products that are carefully matched to your specific skin type and goals. For us, beauty is a feeling. In our welcoming studio in the heart of Berlin, your comfort, health and happiness come first. 

Whether you are looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or acne scars, deeply clean your skin, even out its pigmentation and tone, or just relax and enjoy a luxurious pampering treatment, our experts take the time to listen and understand your skin goals, ensuring that you will get the results you are looking for. 

The following guide walks you through this whole process, from an explanation of our sophisticated skin analysis, to an in depth look at the benefits of and steps behind each facial treatment available at our cosmetic studio. 

We look forward to welcoming you!


Table of Contents

Your Free Skin Analysis & Consultation: Understanding Your Skin

In order to tailor our facial treatments to your skin, we need to understand it, inside and out. During a free initial consultation, your dedicated cosmetician will ask questions about your current skincare products and beauty rituals, as well as how you wish to enhance your skin.

Using cutting-edge technology, we will then accurately measure the key health parameters of your skin such as elasticity, sebum (oil), moisture, and melanin. The combination of these parameters gives us a complete picture of your skin’s health and equips us to:

The first step is on us and is completely commitment-free. Where possible, we will ensure that our solutions do not necessarily completely replace but can supplement and complement your existing skincare routine. We are happy to answer any questions you may have at this stage and address concerns of any nature, as well as take the time to explain our recommended skincare solutions.

The Best Facial Treatment Methods for You

Every facial treatment we offer at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße targets specific skin parameters in a holistic way, based on core skin treatment methods. 

Treatments consisting of a single method last around 30 minutes, and those which are composed of multiple methods take anything up to 1.5 hours. These combined method skin treatments are incredibly effective and popular with our customers. For further explanation of how exactly these combined method treatments work, jump to Crafted facial methods below. 

Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some of our favorite facial treatment methods:

Deep Cleansing & Peeling


Non-surgical lifting methods target the skin’s inside layer (dermis) using wave-, impulse-, and light-based techniques of varying intensity to stimulate blood circulation and increase collagen production. This stimulation of the inside layers directly targets the skin health parameter of elasticity, and can also significantly improve the pigmentation of your skin.

Lifting Facial Methods at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße:

High-Intensity Radio Frequency waves are designed to tighten and firm tissue in the second layer of your skin. Blood circulation is improved, stimulating your cell metabolism, which in turn increases the production of collagen and elastin. A single treatment using this method will result in visibly tighter skin for months afterwards.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment  or book a free consultation  to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the renewing effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell

By means of electromagnetic impulses, numerous microchannels in the skin are opened. Highly concentrated active ingredients are infiltrated deep into the skin and the complexion is immediately lifted. Ion lifting facial treatments tighten the skin, minimize wrinkles, and support healthy blood circulation. Regular application increases the production of collagen and elastin and provides a firming effect, stimulating the skin tissue and improving its elasticity.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment  or book a free consultation  to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the renewing effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell

This innovative method uses Zero Gravity Perfectio X infrared light therapy for an amazing anti-aging effect. Blood flow and tissue temperature are gently increased, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Signs of aging are reduced, fine lines and wrinkles are naturally smoothed, and your skin is lifted and firmed. With its smoothing properties, this skin treatment method also is often implemented to target pigmentation concerns. Specifically, inflammation and hyperpigmentation are reduced.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment  or book a free consultation  to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the renewing effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell

Deep Cleansing & Peeling

Deep cleansing and peeling facial methods work to thoroughly cleanse and exfoliate the skin. Dead skin cells are removed, encouraging the skin to regenerate new, healthy cells, and pigmentation is evened out. Cleansing and peeling facials can also be designed to reduce inflammation and excess sebum production, unclogging pores and removing dirt in and on the skin. Furthermore, low elasticity is addressed by preparing the skin for complementary lifting facial methods. Therefore, this skin treatment method can effectively respond to concerns surrounding acne-prone, highly-pigmented and even aging skin. 

Deep Cleansing & Peeling Facial Methods at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße:

This powerful skin peel treatment involves vitamin- and mineral-rich fluid being applied onto your skin and simultaneously vacuumed away. Dead cells and impurities are released and removed, while your skin is stimulated to absorb these nutrients. 

For aging skin, the Aqua Peeling Rejuve + facial treatment infuses vitamins, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and minerals into the skin to support collagen and elastin regeneration, hydration, and neutralization of free radicals. Mineral absorption is enhanced and skin is visibly rejuvenated.

In cases of hyperpigmentation, Peel + skin treatment methods harness the renewing powers of alpha hydroxy acids to neutralize pigmented areas.

If prone to acne, a peeling treatment with Sebo + employs beta-hydroxy acids to clarify the skin deep into the pores, making use of its antibacterial and disinfecting effect.

The skin is given a fresh and radiant appearance and its own regeneration processes are stimulated and supported.

 Book a free consultation  to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the renewing effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell

A glycolic acid peel utilizes an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that moves into deeper skin layers and supports the skin in its regeneration processes. 

Benzoic acid lotion, camphor, and menthol, with their disinfecting and antibacterial effects, prepare the skin for the glycolic acid peeling. Vitamin C, grape and blueberry extract complement the glycolic acid with their antioxidant effect, moisturizing and protecting the skin from free radicals. Lactic acid, kaolin and amino acids support the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizing and rebalancing the skin.

As part of the healing process, elastin and collagen production accelerates. The skin is rejuvenated and protected from environmental influences and looks more even, radiant, and healthy.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

Salicylic acid is an ancient skincare ingredient which can be found in leaves, flowers, barks, and roots. As part of this peeling treatment method, it penetrates deep into the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) and breaks the bonds that hold skin cells together. This accelerates skin regeneration, reduces inflammation, and regulates sebum production. 

In addition, it deeply cleanses the skin and follicles of dirt, debris, and oil. In acne-prone skin, this shows as an effective reduction in clogged pores, blackheads and breakouts.

The renewing properties of retinol perfectly complement this process. The complexion becomes visibly smoother and purer, inflammations heal faster, and their reformation is prevented.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

Particularly beneficial for signs of aging and hyperpigmentation, this peeling facial method uses a powerful combination of rejuvenating Vitamin C and renewing retinol to stimulate collagen production and promote skin renewal.

Benzoic acid, camphor, and menthol begin by disinfecting the skin and removing bacteria, preparing the face for the peeling. A cream containing lactic acid, kaolin, and amino acids moisturizes and degreases the skin, intensifying the treatment’s effects. A glycolic acid treatment utilizes the antioxidant effects of lactic acid, Salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, retinol, grape, and blueberry extract to stimulate cell metabolism and skin renewal.

The peeling stimulates cell metabolism and skin renewal, protecting the skin from environmental influences, and giving it a radiant and healthy glow.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

This facial treatment method is particularly suitable for sensitive, highly pigmented skin and is designed to gently refine and purify.

To begin with, a plant enzyme peeling breaks down dead skin cells and frees the skin from excess sebum. A combination of arnica, bisabolol, and chamomile oil is then applied to open the pores and promote blood circulation in the skin.

A lactic acid peeling containing lactic acid, kaolin, amino acids, and cream supports the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizing and rebalancing the skin. The skin is soothed and feels clean and smooth.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.


Rejuvenating methods of facial treatment work to help active ingredients applied during the treatment to deeply penetrate the skin. Blood flow is increased, and by triggering the regeneration of skin cells, the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) becomes smoother and more even. This skin treatment is therefore especially effective in addressing the complex needs of aging skin.

Rejuvenating Facial Methods at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße:

Mesotherapy is a skincare method which involves opening numerous microchannels in the skin with electromagnetic impulses. This opening allows active ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid and vitamins, to be incorporated many times more effectively into the deeper layers of the skin. Mesotherapy methods enhance nutrient absorption whilst rejuvenating and smoothing even the most sensitive of skin.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

Ultrasound therapy methods involve depositing focused ultrasound energy below the skin’s surface to briefly open small gaps between the skin cells. These gaps allow active ingredients and serums that are applied to the skin to be maximally absorbed and effective.

What’s more, this facial method’s opening effect stimulates collagen production and increases blood circulation. Cells are repaired and renewed, which improves the appearance of wrinkles and tones facial muscles for a tighter appearance on the face.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.


Detoxifying facial treatments, similar to deep cleansing and exfoliating methods, thoroughly clean the skin. Bacteria, free radicals and toxins, as well as excess sebum and oils, are killed and removed. Through these detoxifying, purifying facial methods, the skin is oxygenated and damages from lifestyle or environmental factors are repaired.

Due to the all-round benefits of these facial methods and the importance of a deeply clean foundation for all other treatments, detoxifying treatments can greatly benefit all skin parameters and types, but are most often used in treating acne-prone skin.

Detoxifying Facial Methods at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße:

This sensitive facial treatment directs energy from PlasBelle® cold plasma at your skin, eliminating 99% of germs and bacteria on your skin’s surface. Blackheads, pimples, and dead skin cells are also removed.

By having a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and controlling sebum overproduction, this detoxifying facial method therefore promotes the faster subsiding of inflammations and prevents the development of new ones. It results in a clean, smooth, and even complexion and is the ideal skin treatment for people with acne-prone and problematic skin.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

This detoxifying treatment uses the most advanced blue light therapy (Zero Gravity Sapphire X) to treat acne-prone and even very sensitive skin. The anti-inflammatory light therapy process rids your skin of bacteria and free radicals, deeply purifying the skin and minimizing the appearance of blemishes. Your skin’s blood flow, oxygen, protein, and nutrient levels are increased, naturally healing and strengthening your skin. 

This gentle facial treatment method results in smoother and healthier-looking skin and a clear, even complexion.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

Brightening & Dermabrasion

Facial methods involving brightening and dermabrasion work by triggering a profound regeneration process in the skin. Dead skin cells are removed, enabling a strong oxygen supply to the skin and allowing the renewal of hyperpigmented areas, including discoloration such as white and dark spots. As such, these facial treatment methods specifically enhance aging and highly-pigmented skin.

Brightening & Dermabrasion Facial Methods at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße:

A healthy supply of oxygen to the skin directly correlates to a radiant and clear complexion, and therefore oxygen-related skin therapies can be implemented to benefit and tailored to target various skin health parameters.

The basic treatment method involves a sophisticated oxygen device that intensively supplies the skin with oxygen. Ingredient-rich Oxypods are activated on the skin with a gel and create fine CO2 bubbles on the surface through a chemical reaction. This triggers the so-called BOHR effect in the skin and increases the oxygen supply in the cells. Aging and highly-pigmented skin particularly benefits here, for example in our Oxygen Rejuv facial treatment, as skin is refreshed and its texture and tone improved.

An increased oxygen supply also allows vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants to better infiltrate the skin. In the case of acne-prone skin, these compounds work to counteract inflammation and have a clarifying effect. This detoxifying treatment also promotes blood circulation which supports the cell cleansing process and leaves the skin with a radiant glow.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

During this dermabrasion facial treatment, an enzyme peeling helps to remove cornifications from the skin. A preparatory alcoholic lotion disinfects and degreases, before a more intensive peeling with crystals (aluminum oxide) gently but effectively removes dead and photodamaged skin cells. Pigment spots, large pores, and wrinkles are reduced.

The degree of removal is individually adjusted to the condition and exact parameters of the skin and stimulates new skin cell growth. Newer, healthier skin can better absorb the active ingredients in the serum applied during this facial, so the skin appears more even, radiant, and fresh already after the first treatment.

For further details, take a look at our dedicated page for this facial treatment or book a free consultation to get all of your questions answered in person. To enjoy the regenerating effects of this skin treatment method, book an appointment with us via Treatwell.

Crafting A Skin Treatment With The Best Facial Methods For You

Using the analysis parameters that we look at in your initial consultation with us, we are able to categorize your skin concerns as predominantly either aging-, acne-, or pigmentation-related. Based on these skin concerns, we identify which will be the most effective methods of facial treatment for you. Our range of over 60 different non-invasive treatments combine these parameter-determined methods into one effective treatment, and these are used to craft your best-fit treatment plan.

As previously mentioned, skin treatments we offer either fall into the category of sensitive or effective (normal skin), matching your skin’s sensitivity levels and areas of concern.

As part of every facial treatment, the skin is cleansed and toned with products tailored to the individual skin condition for thorough removal of make-up, dirt, sebum, and dust. As a final touch, serum, eye care, moisture, and sun protection are applied, tailored to the individual skin needs after each treatment.

Our personalized facial treatments can also be coupled with products from Sensitive Pi, our own skincare range developed in-house, to achieve immediate but long-lasting, visible results. For additional support, our individually compiled Sensible Pi beauty routine sets are perfect for all-round beauty care at home.

Here are some examples of the combined facial treatments or bundles that we offer at our Berlin cosmetic studio:


Aging skin refers to various skin properties, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dry skin. These characteristics have a strong correlation to the elasticity and moisture parameters of the skin. To address aging skin concerns, we will determine a suitable level of treatment intensity, as well as which facial treatment methods will generate the best results.


At Kosmetik Friedrichstraße we want you to smile ear-to-ear, without worrying about pesky lines. We’re here to help with those.

Sensitive Aging Skin​

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • 24K Gold (Classic)
    Combining the luxury of 24-karat gold flakes with innovative hyaluronic acid, the powerful 24K Gold Botanifique anti-aging formula results in an immediate tightening effect. Your skin leaves this treatment feeling softer and hydrated, radiating a natural glow.
  • LED Light Therapy 
    The lifting facial method of Zero Gravity Perfectio X infrared light therapy produces collagen and elastin fibers and reduces hyperpigmentation.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Enzyme Peeling 
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores. A solution with arnica, bisabolol, and chamomile oil promotes blood circulation in the skin and opens the pores, preparing the skin for the extraction of comedones. A lactic acid peeling with kaolin and amino acids supports the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizes and rebalances the skin.
  • Electroporation Mesotherapy
    Rejuvenating mesotherapy opens up small channels in the skin to increase nutrient absorption, whilst refreshing and smoothing your skin.

Normal Aging Skin

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Skin Peeler 
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores, whilst a preparatory alcohol lotion disinfects and degreases the skin. An aluminum oxide Reviderm SkinPeeler® crystal microdermabrasion removes cornifications from the skin and stimulates skin regeneration.
  • Oxygen Rejuv 
    Oxypods on the skin come into contact with the gel, and leave fine CO2 bubbles on the surface, increasing the oxygen supply in the cells. This dermabrasion facial method facilitates a healthy supply of oxygen to the skin, which directly correlates to a radiant and clear complexion.
  • Radiofrequency 
    Radiofrequency waves lift and create a deep warmth within the facial tissue, stimulating collagen and elastin production, whilst allowing an intensive serum to supply the skin with active ingredients.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Skin Peeler 
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores, whilst a preparatory alcohol lotion disinfects and degreases the skin. An aluminum oxide Reviderm SkinPeeler® crystal microdermabrasion removes cornifications from the skin and stimulates skin regeneration.
  • Glycolic Acid Peeling
    A glycolic acid peeling with glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, retinol, grape, and blueberry extract stimulates cell metabolism and skin renewal with its antioxidant effect. Lactic acid, kaolin, and amino acids combine in a cream to support the skin’s own ceramide production, and moisturize and rebalance the skin.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Aqua Peeling
    An aqua peeling with Rejuve + promotes collagen and elastin regeneration, and nourishes skin with minerals, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and moisture.
  • Oxygen Rejuv 
    Oxypods on the skin come into contact with the gel, and leave fine CO2 bubbles on the surface, increasing the oxygen supply in the cells. This dermabrasion facial method facilitates a healthy supply of oxygen to the skin, which directly correlates to a radiant and clear complexion.
  • Radiofrequency 
    Radiofrequency waves lift and create a deep warmth within the facial tissue, stimulating collagen and elastin production, whilst allowing an intensive serum to supply the skin with active ingredients.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Aqua Peeling 
    An aqua peeling with Rejuve + promotes collagen and elastin regeneration, and nourishes skin with minerals, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and moisture.
  • Mesotherapy
    Rejuvenating mesotherapy opens up small channels in the skin to increase nutrient absorption, whilst refreshing and smoothing your skin.
  • High-Intensity RF 
    Radiofrequency waves create a deep warmth within the facial tissue, stimulating collagen and elastin production, whilst allowing an intensive serum to supply the skin with active ingredients. Nutrient absorption is enhanced and the skin is smoothed and rejuvenated.

Acne-Prone Skin

Acne correlates to an increased production of sebum, an oily substance which normally serves to lubricate the skin. When sebum is produced in excess, it gathers with dead skin cells in the roots of hair follicles, causing a blockage which protrudes outwards and is visible on the surface of the skin. This results in the appearance of whiteheads and blackheads, as well as inflammation and bacterial infection.

Although acne-prone skin usually responds well to stronger treatments, your skin’s general sensitivity as well as the most appropriate treatment methods will always be taken into account when constructing a suitable facial treatment for you.

Acne symptoms as pimples

Sensitive, Acne-Prone Skin

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Enzyme Peeling 
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores. A solution with arnica, bisabolol, and chamomile oil promotes blood circulation in the skin and opens the pores, preparing the skin for the extraction of comedones. A lactic acid peeling with kaolin and amino acids supports the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizes and rebalances the skin.

  • PlasBelle® Cold Plasma 
    Energy from cold plasma is directed at and detoxifies your skin, eliminating 99% of bacteria on your skin’s surface while fighting inflammation and couperosis.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Claribio Acne
    Clinically proven to treat problematic skin, the organic Claribio Botanique collection (Acne line) uses Heelonex-patent technology to enrich the skin with minerals and vitamins. Sebum production is balanced and inflammation levels in your skin are effectively decreased, restoring a fresh, balanced complexion.

  • BlueLight Phototherapy
    Zero Gravity Sapphire X uses detoxifying blue light therapy to minimize the appearance of blemishes by detoxifying the skin and eliminating underlying bacteria. Your skin feels and looks smoother and healthier and with a clear, even complexion.

Normal, Acne-Prone Skin

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Salicylic Acid Peeling 
    An enzymatic peeling is applied to dissolve cornification and intensify microdermabrasion, before an antibacterial lotion containing benzoic acid, camphor and menthol prepares the skin for the salicylic acid peeling.

    Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, ascorbic acid, bisabolol, and retinol refine the skin’s texture by dissolving dead skin cells from the skin and unclogging pores.This reduces skin shine, regulates sebum production, and counteracts inflammation.

    A solution with arnica, bisabolol, and chamomile oil is then applied, promoting blood circulation in the skin and opening the pores, preparing the skin for the extraction of comedones.

    A lactic acid peeling with kaolin and amino acids supports the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizes and rebalances the skin.

  • SkinPeeler®
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores, whilst a preparatory alcohol lotion disinfects and degreases the skin. An aluminum oxide Reviderm SkinPeeler® crystal microdermabrasion removes cornifications from the skin and stimulates skin regeneration.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Aqua Peeling 
    An aqua peeling with Sebo + opens and deeply cleanses pores, whilst having an antibacterial and disinfecting effect.

  • PlasBelle® Cold Plasma 
    Energy from cold plasma is directed at and detoxifies your skin, eliminating 99% of bacteria on your skin’s surface while fighting inflammation and couperosis.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Salicylic Acid Peeling 
    An enzymatic peeling is applied to dissolve cornification and intensify microdermabrasion, before an antibacterial lotion containing benzoic acid, camphor and menthol prepares the skin for the salicylic acid peeling.

    Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, ascorbic acid, bisabolol, and retinol refine the skin’s texture by dissolving dead skin cells from the skin and unclogging pores.This reduces skin shine, regulates sebum production, and counteracts inflammation.

    A solution with arnica, bisabolol, and chamomile oil is then applied, promoting blood circulation in the skin and opening the pores, preparing the skin for the extraction of comedones.

    A lactic acid peeling with kaolin and amino acids supports the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizes and rebalances the skin.

  • PlasBelle® Cold Plasma 
    Energy from cold plasma is directed at and detoxifies your skin, eliminating 99% of bacteria on your skin’s surface while fighting inflammation and couperosis.

  • Blue Light Therapy 
    Zero Gravity Sapphire X uses blue light therapy to minimize the appearance of blemishes by detoxifying the skin and eliminating underlying bacteria. Your skin feels and looks smoother and healthier and with a clear, even complexion.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Oxygen Detox
    Oxypods on the skin come into contact with the gel, and leave fine CO2 bubbles on the surface, increasing the oxygen supply in the cells. This dermabrasion facial method deeply exfoliates the skin, helping to remove excess sebum and clogged pores.

  • Blue Light Phototherapy
    Zero Gravity Sapphire X uses detoxifying blue light therapy to minimize the appearance of blemishes by detoxifying the skin and eliminating underlying bacteria. Your skin feels and looks smoother and healthier and with a clear, even complexion.


When we describe skin as being highly- or hyper-pigmented, we are most commonly referring to discolorations or dark spots on the skin which are the result of an excess of melanin. Melanin is produced in greater quantities than necessary when cells are damaged by acne or other skin issues, and these clumps of excess melanin make the skin appear darker or cause redness.

When addressing pigmentation it is important to understand the skin sensitivity and tailor the treatment to not only this but also to the facial methods which target associated skin health parameters most effectively.

High melanin skin tendency to pigmentation

Sensitive, Hyperpigmented Skin

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Enzyme Peeling
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores. A solution with arnica, bisabolol, and chamomile oil promotes blood circulation in the skin and opens the pores, preparing the skin for the extraction of comedones. A lactic acid peeling with kaolin and amino acids supports the skin’s own ceramide production, moisturizes and rebalances the skin.

  • LED Light Therapy 
    The lifting facial method of Zero Gravity Perfectio X infrared light therapy produces collagen and elastin fibers and reduces hyperpigmentation.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Brightening (Classic) 
    Organic, high-end Brightening Botanifique cosmetics enriched with active ingredients nourish your skin and promote skin rejuvenation. This results in a youthful and moisturizing lifting of your skin, as well as a reduction in sagging and pigmentation spots.

  • LED Light Therapy 
    The lifting facial method of Zero Gravity Perfectio X infrared light therapy produces collagen and elastin fibers and reduces hyperpigmentation.

Normal, Hyperpigmented Skin

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Oxygen Bright 
    Oxypods on the skin come into contact with the gel, and leave fine CO2 bubbles on the surface, increasing the oxygen supply in the cells. This dermabrasion facial method facilitates a healthy supply of oxygen to the skin, which directly correlates to a radiant and clear complexion.

  • Vitamin C Peeling 
    An enzymatic peeling dissolves cornification and intensifies microdermabrasion, before an alcohol lotion is applied to disinfect and degrease the skin. An antibacterial lotion containing benzoic acid, camphor and menthol prepares the skin for the glycolic acid peeling. The glycolic acid peeling with glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, retinol, grape, and blueberry extract stimulates cell metabolism and skin renewal with its antioxidant effect. Lactic acid, kaolin, and amino acids combine in a cream to support the skin’s own ceramide production, and moisturize and rebalance the skin.

  • LED Light Therapy 
    The lifting facial method of Zero Gravity Perfectio X infrared light therapy produces collagen and elastin fibers and reduces hyperpigmentation.

    To finish, a solution of green tea extract, copper gluconate, marula oil, and allantoin is applied to the skin, having an antioxidant effect, moisturizing and supporting wound healing.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Vitamin C Peeling 
    An enzymatic peeling dissolves cornification and intensifies microdermabrasion, before an alcohol lotion is applied to disinfect and degrease the skin. A glycolic acid peeling with glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, retinol, grape, and blueberry extract stimulates cell metabolism and skin renewal with its antioxidant effect. Lactic acid, kaolin, and amino acids combine in a cream to support the skin’s own ceramide production, and moisturize and rebalance the skin.

  • SkinPeeler® 
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores, whilst a preparatory alcohol lotion disinfects and degreases the skin. An aluminum oxide Reviderm SkinPeeler® crystal microdermabrasion removes cornifications from the skin and stimulates skin regeneration.

  • LED Light Therapy The lifting facial method of Zero Gravity Perfectio X infrared light therapy produces collagen and elastin fibers and reduces hyperpigmentation.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Vitamin C Peeling 
    An enzymatic peeling dissolves cornification and intensifies microdermabrasion, before an alcohol lotion is applied to disinfect and degrease the skin. A glycolic acid peeling with glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, retinol, grape, and blueberry extract stimulates cell metabolism and skin renewal with its antioxidant effect. Lactic acid, kaolin, and amino acids combine in a cream to support the skin’s own ceramide production, and moisturize and rebalance the skin.

  • SkinPeeler® 
    Enzymes remove dead skin cells and clarify pores, whilst a preparatory alcohol lotion disinfects and degreases the skin. An aluminum oxide Reviderm SkinPeeler® crystal microdermabrasion removes cornifications from the skin and stimulates skin regeneration.

Facial methods used in this treatment:

  • Aqua Peeling
    An aqua peeling with Peel + removes dead skin cells, neutralizes pigment spots, and facilitates moisture absorption.

  • Oxygen Bright
    Oxypods on the skin come into contact with the gel, and leave fine CO2 bubbles on the surface, increasing the oxygen supply in the cells. This dermabrasion facial method facilitates a healthy supply of oxygen to the skin, which directly correlates to a radiant and clear complexion.

The Wide-Ranging Benefits of A Personalized Skincare and Facial Treatment Plan

Facial Treatment differences

We Believe in What We Do

At Kosmetik Friedrichstraße in Berlin, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality of facial treatments, tailored to your individual needs. Using the latest skin analysis techniques to determine the best course of action for each customer, we can provide you with the results you desire. We believe it’s essential to have an individualized plan that is custom-fit to each person, taking into account your skin type, age, lifestyle, and other factors. Consistency and regular care in your beauty regime, as well as ensuring the suitability of all products and facial treatments used, is the most effective way to achieve optimal skin health and long-lasting results. 

With You Every Step of Your Skin’s Journey

Embarking on a skin enhancement journey with us allows us to get to know your skin over time and to work together to carefully track its progress, adjusting, increasing, and reducing as we go. How often certain facial treatments are required or recommended in order to be maximally effective is something that we will consult you in the salon directly, as we observe how your skin changes with each new step in your treatment plan. At any stage in the process, we can also advise you on additional products and rituals to be used at home, in order to maintain the results of our in-salon facial treatments and provide the best care for your skin.

The Most Beautiful Gift To Yourself - Taking Gentle Care Of Your Skin

As our expert cosmeticians take their time to understand your skin and its sensitivity, and only perform non-invasive and non-surgical facial treatments, the potential risks and side effects are limited and minimal. You may experience increased skin sensitivity or a slight redness, but this will fade very quickly after your treatment. Your assigned specialist will advise you in depth on post-treatment care, but in general we advise all of our customers to protect their skin from UV rays, extreme temperatures (including saunas), harsh chemicals, and direct sunlight, and to apply a SPF as part of your daily beauty routine. In fact, we would always recommend this level of care, regardless of your beauty and facial treatment regime!

If We Had to Put a Price on Great Skin

Pricing at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße is very simply determined by the length of the facial treatment and is as follows:

  • 30 mins Facial Treatment
    30 mins Facial Treatment 69,99 €

    Cleansing, 1 Facial method, Final Care

  • 45 mins Facial Treatment
    45 mins Facial Treatment 99,99 €

    Cleansing, 2 Facial methods, Final Care

  • 60 mins Facial Treatment
    60 mins Facial Treatment 129,99 €

    Cleansing, 2-3 Facial methods, Final Care

  • 75 mins Facial Treatment
    75 mins Facial Treatment 149,99 €

    Cleansing, 3 Facial methods, Final Care

For the pricing of products from our inhouse brand, Sensible-Pi, feel free to take a look at our online shop and get in touch if you have any questions.

Book Your Free Consultation & Start your Skincare Journey with Kosmetik Friedrichstraße

Consultation meeting at Kosmetik Friedrichstrasse Berlin

The health of your skin and how comfortable you feel in it are just as important to us as it is to you. We take pride in using the most up-to-date, sophisticated methods to treat it with the utmost care, professionalism, and expertise.

Our experienced team at our inviting, tranquil cosmetic studio in Berlin is always happy to hear from you by phone, email or in person. No question is too basic or too complex. Our mission is to empower you to look after your skin with a balance of customized treatments and fewer products, but the right ones.

To learn more about our range of services, explore our catalog of facial treatments on our website, or if you would like to visit our salon, book a free skin analysis & consultation now.

We look forward to welcoming you at Kosmetik Friedrichstraße!

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On Us!

Schedule a FREE Skin Analysis & Consultation and see what your routine has been missing
